A rage game I made for the "RoastMeJam" hosted by Pinoprime. Please download the game because the web version is broken!!

known bugs:

sometimes you have to press the spacebar multiple times for it to register(in the lose screen) 


(press "E" in game for about)

Btw you can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. And you can kinda control the camera with your mouse

P.S. the game was supposed to have a story where the watermelons betrayed the mangos(who are the king of fruits) and took their throne. they also slaughtered every mango in existence, but the kind of mangos got reincarnated and now he seeks revenge. the follow up of the story would be a secret level where the game mechanics change completely and you have to fight a boss, the king of watermelons. BUT. due to time constraints I was unable to make it. Nonetheless, im pretty satisfied with what i was able to achieve.

Hope you don't break your keyboard :)


King's Vengeance!.exe 84 MB
King's Vengence!.x86_64 85 MB
King's Vengence!.zip 62 MB

Install instructions

download and unzip the file to play


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Deleted 34 days ago
Deleted 34 days ago

i think pino has mac not linux lol

my fingers hurt i love the menue and this game is cool B)

thanks. is ur keyboard alright? :)